Internship Programme

Outsourced Technical Support Company

Hands-on experience in
Internship Enrollment Form
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You can select an approximate level which you believe to start the program.
Expert option will mean , you just need a small push and active knowledge of servers to make your mark 🙂

Grow With Us!

Tech Providence offers students and fresh graduates a valuable opportunity to acquire practical experience in their chosen field while continuing their studies. As an Intern within our organization, you will assume a diverse range of responsibilities, including fundamental installations, troubleshooting, configurations, and documentation. This immersive experience provides a unique chance to learn within a genuine working environment.

During your training and internship, you’ll have the chance to engage with real-world scenarios. You’ll be actively involved in tasks related to production client servers, addressing client requirements, and contributing to infrastructure development for our customers. This hands-on experience will enable you to gain invaluable insights and enhance your skill set within a dynamic professional setting.